You studied the teachings of the poison-eaters, a fanatical sect of monster-hunters from the Aegerlaw who enter religious trance-like states by ingesting toxic potions. Experimentation has made your flesh and eyes strange and uncanny. You became monstrous to hunt monsters. People fear and hate you, but come begging when a monster troubles them.
- Rations (3 uses)
- Torches (3 uses)
- Bastard sword (d8)
- Herbalism kit
- Dissection kit
What was the most dangerous foe you’ve faced?
- A wraith haunting a house. Start with Encircling Shroud (1 charge, relic). Spectral creatures over or under this may be touched by mundane weapons. Recharge: Shroud a corpse in it overnight.
- A werewolf. The man was embarrassed after coming to his senses. Start with silver-cloud bombs (d6 blast, magic-blocking cloud, 3 uses).
- A cursed princess. Just a matter of trial and error of sorting out superstitions from truths. Start with Purge (3 uses, negates all effects and fatigue from potions). Recipe: Black hellebore, heal-all, lily of the valley.
- A gang of deserters terrorizing people on the road. Straightforward. They had it coming. Start with Mortal Venom (apply to sword, first 3 attacks are enhanced, 3 uses). Made from monster fat and toxic herb.
- A giant spider causing a nuisance for people coming to pay their respects in a crypt. Start with fire-bombs, (d6 blast, fire-spreading, 3 uses).
- You have slain no monsters yet. Count yourself lucky. Start with a rusty shield (1 Armor, +d4).
What potion is your specialty? (Take a Fatigue when quaffed)
- Deep Poison (3 uses): When bitten by an attacker (STR damage), the attacker suffers the same as STR damage. Lasts 6 rounds. Recipe: Corpse-eater blood, bloodroot, garlic.
- Vigor (3 uses): Restores 1 STR per round for 3 rounds. Recipe: Monster brain, foxglove, amaranth.
- Slow (3 uses): When you kill a creature, immediately make another attack or take another action. Attacks triggered by this potion also trigger this effect. Lasts 6 rounds. Recipe: Elemental heart, mandrake, aniseed.
- Harmony (3 uses): Neutralizes and grants immunity to poisons and venoms. Lasts 6 rounds. Recipe: Ghost essence, aconite, oak leaf.
- Heartsight (3 uses): Grants infravision for 1 turn. Recipe: Cave-creature eye, mugwort, hawkweed.
- Cruelty (3 uses): Add d6 to your Guard for 3 rounds. Recipe: Corpse-eater adrenal glands, bog myrtle, strychnine.