
Where x is a number. Indicates that an additional die be rolled and the higher value be kept. For example, d6+d6 means roll 2d6 and keep the higher value.
Item taking up 2 slots.
A slot-based inventory (10 slots total).
Within arm's reach.
Control (CTRL)
Ability score. A creature's ability to withstand magic and stress while under pressure.
Critical Damage
When an adventurer is grasping for life, dying within the next hour without any aid.
Critical Damage Save
When combat damage takes a target below 0 Guard, they suffer damage to STR and must make a STR save (using their new reduced STR) or suffer Critical Damage.
1-2 weeks, used between sessions to represent downtime activities.
Damage die
A die, either d4, d6, d8, d10, or d12, that is rolled when an attacker attacks.
Condition. Occurs when an adventurer cannot get a crucial need like sleep, food, or water. Adventurer cannot recover Guard or damage to Ability Scores.
Direct Damage
Damage that bypasses Guard and hits an ability score instead.
Dexterity (DEX)
Ability score. A creature's ability to perform acts of agility and reflex while under pressure.
Dice step
Incrementing up/down the dice chain. The dice chain is the list of die sizes from d4 to d12 (d4 -> d6 -> d8 -> d10 -> d12). Incrementing or decrementing, or stepping up or down the dice chain means going up or down a die size.
Direct Damage
Damage that bypasses Guard and hits an ability score instead.
A negative effect of spell-casting, occurs when triples are rolled on Magic Dice. The negative effect becomes progressively worse each time a Doom is rolled.
Where x is a number. Indicates a die value (d4, d6, etc).
A type of attack where the attacker rolls d12 instead of their regular damage die. Represents an attack that is more powerful for whatever reason.
A bowshot away.
Takes up 1 burden slot. Taken as a consequence of a strenuous or difficult action, like spell casting or performing actions without rest or food. All Fatigue is removed with a full night's rest.
Guard (GD)
A creature's ability to not get hurt while in combat. Does not prevent damage while out of combat.
A type of attack where the attacker rolls d4 instead of their regular damage die. Represents an attack that is less powerful for whatever reason.
Magic Dice
d6 equal to available burden slots, up to a maximum of 10. Magic dice are used in spell-casting and add Fatigue on a result of 4-6. Spells indicate effects based on number of dice invested and total sum of dice.
A random negative effect of spell-casting, occurs when doubles are rolled on Magic Dice.
Paces away.
Condition. Occurs when an adventurer fails a CTRL save when in complete darkness, suffering damage to CTRL, or other psychological strenuous situations. Reduces a creature to 0 Guard and all their attacks are impaired.
Item taking up 0 slots.
Approximately 10 seconds, used during combat.
Strength (STR)
Ability score. A creature's ability to perform feats of strength or withstand physical strain while under pressure.
Approximately 10 minutes, used during exploration of a site, like a dungeon.
Usage die (Ud)
A usage die is an abstract way of tracking items and usages. On a roll of 1, the usage die steps down to the next die down the dice chain. For example, when you use a whetstone with a usage die of d6, roll 1d6. On a 1, the die is stepped down to a d4 for the next time it is used.
Approximately 8 hours, used during overland travel and exploration of the wilderness.