You are a goat-headed breggle with short horns. Honoring your ancestors was instilled in you. Breggles on Isurholm mostly hail from the High Wold in Dolmenwood in the Duchy of Brackenwold where a two-tiered class system of shorthorn commoners and longhorn nobility persists. This class division is thought to have originated in their days of service to the Cold Prince. Some ancient clans of breggles still live in the mountains of the Myrdoom without such as a system, though with the same bitter tradition of feuding as their counterparts in the High Wold.
How are you most like a goat?
- Powerful horns. Head-butting with your horns inflicts d6 damage.
- Gaze. You may concentrate your gaze on a mortal. The target must make a CTRL save or be charmed (unable to harm the gazer) for as long as you maintain the gaze without doing anything else (reducing the gazer to 0 Guard). If you are succssful, afterwards, you are deprived. You cannot do this while deprived.
- Thick fur. Treat your fur as 1 armor while not wearing any body armor.
- Iron stomach. For a day, you can subsist off of inorganic material without becoming deprived. Another day in a row of doing so makes you deprived.
- Perfect balance. You can scale and balance on things that most would require special gear for.
- Powerful bite. Your bite inflicts d6 damage.
From Gavin Norman’s Dolmenwood.