You were once oathbound to patrol the marches or fight in a distant land. Since coming home, things have changed. You still bear the scars and skills of your struggles and seek a new way through life.
- Rations (3 uses)
- Torches (3 uses)
- Tarnished badge (petty)
- Spear (d6)
- Shield (1 armor, +d4)
Why did you join?
- To escape a prison sentence. Take lockpicks and a safe house key (petty).
- Your family has a long tradition of serving. Take your ancestral longsword (d10, bulky). Your lifelong training allows you to parry with your longsword: You ignore damage rolls of 1 and 2 while wielding it.
- Born a noble, you escaped the potentially deadly machinations of your family. Take a goose-down sleeping mat (sleeps 2) you stole from home.
- In place of a noble’s child whose parents picked you to serve in their place. Take 30sp, a snare trap, and a grudge.
- You were saved by a soldier and felt inspired to join. Take a journal with drawings and stories from your journeys. Your stories may earn you a drink in even the most hostile of environments.
- When your family lost everything, you joined to avoid becoming a burden. Take a brace of 6 throwing knives (d6).
What was your role?
- Archer. Long bow (d8, bulky), arrows (Ud8). If you are the first to attack, your bow gains the blast property for the first round.
- Scout. You and your trusty companion have been through everything together. Scouting horse: 4 GD 12 STR 16 DEX 4 CTRL. Can flee combat without a DEX save. Name your horse.
- Medic. You’ve seen a lot. Take a medical kit.
- Engineer. You and your company built bridges, palisades, and siege machines. Take a scale stone. Spend a charge and place a non-living object on the scale stone. It will whisper to you the object’s composition and weight. Recharge: Suspend in midair.
- Orderly. You did everything for your commanding officer until their demise. Take the officer’s effects: brass pin (petty), ashes (petty), stamp (petty), spyglass.
- Marine. You participated in amphibious assaults and crossed the Straits. Take an enchanted water stone (1 charge). Place in a body of water and expend a charge to point its tip to the nearest settlement. Recharge: Put inside of a living sea creature.
Based on the Outrider, Fletchwind, and Marchguard from Cairn 2e.