
An adventurer can hire hirelings and followers, and they may also negotiate with retainers to add them to the party. These people require rations and rest like player characters.

Followers can be recruited during Downtime Cycles as free actions by posting up help wanted signs on bulletin boards, frequenting local pubs, or bribing locals for information.


Availability of followers is dependent on settlement size and is also on a per Downtime Cycle basis.

Settlement Size Hirelings Retainers
Hamlet 1d2  
Village 1d4 1d2
Small town 1d6 1d4
Large town 1d8 1d6
City 1d10 1d8

Spending extra silver on advertising increases the number of applicants. Roll extra dice (of the appropriate size) equal to the number of posts or bribes for information and keep the highest result.

Each additional bribe or help wanted sign after the initial call for applications costs 2 silver.


Daily rates for hirelings follow. Incorporating holidays and other time off, monthly wages could be estimated at about 16x and yearly wages could be estimated at about 200x. Some workers are more commonly hired on a per job basis, such as barber-surgeons, masons, and blacksmiths.

Most people won’t delve into dungeons and other dangerous locations, not even mercenaries since they prefer an easy fight against other people, not monsters. Incentive pay can help to entice people to follow. These people will instantly make morale saves upon encountering a monster and will not assist in combat.

All of these hirelings have 3 days of rations on them.

Person Gear Daily Wage Lifestyle
Porter   1 Meager
Torchbearer Torches (3 uses) 1 Meager
Labourer   2 Meager
Rower   2 Meager
Scribe Candles (10 uses), ink and quill, parchment (10 uses) 3 Comfortable
Woodcutter Axe, lantern, oil (10 uses) 3 Comfortable
Mercenary (12 STR, 6 CTRL, 4GD, 1 Armor, d6 weapon) Shield (d4 1A), spear (d6), torches (3 uses) 4 Comfortable
Teamster Whip (d6), lantern, oil (10 uses) 4 Comfortable
Hunter Short bow (bulky, d6), trap (bulky), arrows, spear (d6) 4 Comfortable
Camp Follower (Cooking, animal grooming, laundry, chores, etc) Cookpots, bucket, wash basin, tent (bulky), brush 5 Comfortable
Guide Staff (d6), torch (3 uses) 5 Comfortable
Translator, Interpreter Candles (10 uses), ink and quill, parchment (10 uses), book 6 Comfortable
Sailor Net, rope 6 Comfortable
Armourer or Blacksmith (12 STR; 1GD) Hammer, anvil (bulky) 7 Comfortable
Mason Hammer, chisel 10 Luxurious
Master Builder Hammer, ink and quill, parchment (10 uses) 16 Luxurious
Barber-Surgeon (12 CTRL; 1GD) Healing kit (restores 1d4 STR, 3 uses), scalpel, cleaver (d6), scissors 20 Luxurious

Mercenary Companies

Mercenary companies are more disciplined than individual hired mercenaries, though they still won’t delve into dungeons, but they will fight in the open field as long as they think they can win.

Companies have commanders and more specialized units. Commanders are needed for large groups of units. Groups of units can be treated as detachments.

Commander Stats Gear Units Commanded Daily Wage
Sergeant 12 STR, 4 GD, Shield (1A) Shield (d4 1A), spear (d6), torches (3 uses), short sword (d6) 10 3 x unit wage
Lieutenant 12 STR, 12 CTRL, 6 GD, mail + shield (2A) Shield (d4 1A), spear (d6), torches (3 uses), short sword (d6), riding horse, mail 30 100
Captain 14 STR, 12 CTRL, 8 GD, mail + shield (2A) Shield (d4 1A), torches (3 uses), bastard sword (d6), riding horse, spyglass, mail 90 150

For more nuances within mercenary companies, refer to the specialized units below.

Unit Stats Gear Daily Wage Notes
Infantry, light 12 STR, 6 CTRL, 4 GD Spear (d6), Shield (1A) 4  
Infantry, heavy 14 STR, 6 GD Mace or Flail or Short sword (d6), mail + helmet + shield (3A) 6  
Cavalry, light 12 DEX, 6 GD Javelin (d6), war horse, short sword (d6), helmet (2A) 20  
Cavalry, heavy 12 DEX, 4 GD Pole arm (d10), war horse, mail + shield + helmet (3A), short sword (d6) 40  
Archer, long bow 14 DEX, 3 GD Long bow (d8), helmet (1A), short sword (d6) 20  
Archer, crossbow 12 DEX, 6 CTRL, 3 GD Crossbow (d8), helmet (1A), short sword (d6) 8  
Archer, mounted 16 DEX, 6 GD Long bow (d8), war horse, short sword (d6) 30  
Siege Engineers 6 CTRL, 2 GD Engineering gear 20  
Camp followers 6 CTRL, 1 GD Cookpots, bucket, wash basin, tent (bulky), brush 4 1 for every 10 troops
Field medic 12 CTRL, 1 GD Healing kit (restores 1d4 STR, 3 uses), scalpel, cleaver (d6), scissors 25 1 for every 10 troops

As an example, for a company of 90 light infantry, you will need an additional 9 medics, 9 camp followers, 9 sergeants, 3 lieutenants, and 1 captain. To retain the services of such a company, you will need to pay (daily):

Unit Wage Number per detachment Wages subtotal per detachment Total company number Total company wages
Light infantry 4 10 40 90 360
Medics 25 1 25 9 225
Camp followers 4 1 4 9 36
Sergeants 12 1 12 9 108
Lieutenants 100 1/3 - 3 300
Captain 150 1/9 - 1 150
Total     81 121 1,179

Ship Crews

Ship crews can be hired as detachments in groups of Sailors (6sp/day) plus equal number of Camp Followers (4sp/day) and a number of Rowers (2sp/day) equal to the number of oars. This can be abstracted to 4sp/day per individual, averaging the higher paid sailors and lower paid rowers.


From Dolmenwood

Generate a retainer using the retainer generator, or use the rules for creating an adventurer in Volume 2.

Retainers are adventurers just like the player characters. They take orders from the adventurer who hired them and should not be hired by the entire group, lest they be confused by having multiple bosses. Retainers use their boss’s CTRL when making morale saves.

They are paid a share of the loot from adventuring rather than daily wages.

Offer Generosity Reaction Modifier Share Size
Mean -2 1/4
Poor -1 1/3
Standard 0 1/2
Decent +1 2/3
Generous +2 Full

A reaction roll that can be modified by a variety of factors (including the initial offer) determines the ultimate outcome of the negotiation. The reaction may also be modified by offering specialty gear or an upfront signing bonus.

2d6 Disposition
2 or less Angry refusal. Receive a bad reputation
3-5 Refusal
6-8 Will accept an improved offer
9-11 Acceptance
12 or higher Eager acceptance. Improved loyalty

If an adventurer dies, a player may take on a retainer as their character. Ideally they should take on the role of another player’s retainer, if available, rather than their own. If there are no retainers available, they may take on the role of a hireling.

Follower Death

From d100 Why this hireling decided to join

If a follower dies due to abuse by the party (using them as cannon fodder or leaving them to die), there may be backlash. A suspicious number of followers not coming back may also lead to these consequences. As always, rely on the fiction to inform results. Refer to the list below for potential consequences:

  1. Bad reputation (modifies future hire rolls)
  2. Bad reputation (reduces available followers by a die step)
  3. Lower loyalty for all other followers
  4. Wergild demanded by family (20x wages)
  5. Funeral expenses demanded by family
  6. Body demanded by family
  7. Blood feud from the family
  8. Return as undead (ghost, revenant, etc)