


Your froggy ancestors stood up on two feet and never came back down. Froglings originate from across the Isuri Channel in Hoppland, a former swamp and salty sea reclaimed as farmland, and many hail from the Hameth River Delta where the first frogling communities settled on Isurholm. Major trading companies were founded by the merchant class in Hoppland, and their dark-hulled vessels are a prime target for Aegerling raiders.

  • You are shorter than the average human

How are you most like a frog?

  1. You can swim as easily as you can walk.
  2. You can hold your breath for up to an hour.
  3. You can leap twice as far and high as a human.
  4. Your skin is mildly poisonous. Any creature that tries to eat you is poisoned (deprived, suffers 1 STR damage).
  5. Your skin is hallucinogenic. Any creature that tries to eat you must make a STR save or suffer vivid hallucinations.
  6. Your finger and toe-pads are sticky and make climbing easier.

From Miranda Elkins’s Nightwick Abbey.