

Breggles are goat-headed folk whose horn length denotes their social standing. Natives of Dolmenwood, they are divided into shorthorn and longhorn classes, but they are all the same species. You are a commoner, a shorthorn.

What makes you stand out?

  1. Powerful horns. Head-butting with your horns inflicts d6 damage.
  2. Gaze. 1/day, you may concentrate your gaze on a Human or Breggle shorthorn. The target must make a CTRL save or be charmed (unable to harm the gazer) for as long as the gazer maintains gaze without doing anything else.
  3. Thick fur. Treat your fur as 1 armor while not wearing any body armor.
  4. Iron stomach. For a day, you can subsist off of inorganic material without becoming deprived. Another day in a row of doing so makes you deprived.
  5. Perfect balance. You can scale and balance on things that most would require special gear for.
  6. Powerful bite. Your bite inflicts d6 damage.

If you came from Character Creation, roll 2d6 for a background (below) or choose the Adventurer background.

From Gavin Norman’s Dolmenwood.