

Grimalkins are shape-changing faeries who sometimes wander the mortal realms, often as house cats. There are no major settlements of Grimalkins outside of Faerie. You resemble a humanoid-sized cat standing on hind legs.

  • After maturity, you do not age.
  • You are immune to non-magical maladies.
  • Attacks against you using cold iron or silver are enhanced.
  • You are shorter than the average human.
  • You can turn into a cat at will, taking the form of a domestic house cat. While in cat-form, you can understand languages but not speak them and you can only change out of cat-form while unobserved.
  • You can survive on raw meat.

What did you bring or inherit from Faerie?

  1. Fairy Cake (6 slices). Has an addictive quality for any mortal who eats a slice. Any mortal eating a slice will crave it until they eat another. While not eating it, they are deprived.
  2. Fairy dust. When thrown, the glittering dust suspended in the air reveals invisible objects and creatures. 1 use.
  3. Lucky Bell. If the wearer of this bell fails a Critical Damage roll, they pass it instead, letting out a deafening ringing that can be heard miles. 1 use.
  4. Mouse-pipes. Playing a tune on these pipes will lure mice from any direction.
  5. Pipeweed and an elegant pipe (petty). Conversations flow easier and more calmly while you are smoking. 3 uses.
  6. House-seed. Plant in the ground to sprout a luxurious shelter, complete with a box for you to sleep in. Collapses when the moon next rises. 1 use.

If you came from Character Creation, roll 1d10 for a background (below) or choose the Adventurer background.

  1. Alchemist
  2. Bookworm
  3. Chef
  4. Cunning One
  5. Grove Keeper
  6. Mariner
  7. Tailor
  8. Troubadour
  9. Varlet
  10. Veteran

From Gavin Norman’s Dolmenwood.